Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Little horse executes his plan

When Lou woke for breakfast the little horse trotted on ahead. Lou turned into the buffet room, but the little horse sprinted for the pool. Perched on a pillar he surveyed the beach and the ocean beyond. Already people were on the beach, setting out chairs, claiming their spot in the sun. A cruise ship was pulling into the harbor. The little horse saw his chance. He leaped to the sand below and dashed across the beach. When he was sure that Lou was not following him, he felt free to explore. With a little neigh he trotted here and there, sniffing at sea shells, stomping his hoof if a gull came too close. Then he spotted a group of people just his size. He cantered up and stopped just out of reach. His ears were pricked, his tail did not droop. He looked to both sides. Never had he seen people like this before, dressed as super heroes, each with a tiny parachute tucked into a plastic bag. One figure leaned toward the little horse. He backed up two steps and stomped. He did not want to be captured by a super hero. The little horse spun around and galloped down the beach, reveling in his freedom. At last he was on his own in a foreign land.


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